Wednesday, September 3, 2008

the most amazing woman in america

ok, by popular request, here it is

my big gay crush of the week is none other than exquisite vice-presidential nominee, sarah palin!
this hot mess is pretty much the nail in the coffin for good old mccain (like he needs any help that coffin is ready at all times to accept him) and these are the reasons i love her:
bitch looks just like andrea zuckerman, i just want to see her throw herself at jason priestley and his hot beard
she has a little baby with down syndrome (trig) who no one had seen pictures of until she and he were photographed for no less than FOUR celebrity weekly covers this week
everyone thought this baby was actually born to her 17 year old daughter, bristol, until they went public this week with the fact that brissy is pregnant NOW, knocked up by a cute redneck hockey player from her high school. supposedly the kids are to be wed. palin is adamantly against sex education in schools. oops!
she used to be involved with the alaskan independent party, one of the major tenets of which is that alaska should be allowed to secede from the union!
she has zero foreign policy experience and has been to a grand total of three foreign countries
she loves the outdoors because it provides her with her favorite hobbies: hunting, fishing, and snowmobiling
she was mayor of a town with less than 9,000 people before becoming governor of one of the least populated states in the union. she's been governor for a year and a half (and obama is inexperienced?)
it's so charming how all the republican talking heads have established these double standards for her
i must take a shower and shit but you know i will update this shit later
unqualified and out of control! sarah palin, you girl gone wild (and andrea zuckerman clone), you are my big gay crush of the week!

(funny poster stolen with love from perez)

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