Monday, January 12, 2009


is bromance supposed to be so gay?
it's fine if it is, i just don't understand.
the intense relationship implied is the least gay thing about
the most i think was the moment when brody is in the shower and sex music plays as he lathers up. his guy friends walk in, supposedly taking him by surprise, but it's clearly awkwardly scripted. he continues to rub soap on his body as he talks about preparing a challenge for his potential bros. it must be seen. or i suppose it should NEVER be seen and if you're not already invested avoid this piece of trash like... well the piece of trash that it is. i still hate the hills and the laguna beach thing and all of that. ugh. maybe i can't watch this. o well, i'm still sick as shit and i'll be heading off to be soon.
o man the dance guy.

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