Sunday, August 10, 2008

date update

first off, i was searching for a picture of "creepy goth dudes" and instead found this hilarious site of overheard goth statements from nyc.
now for the story:
i have only been on one real date in my life.
i did not want to go on this date
it was with a rather tragic kinda gothic fellow (not the important one, just one of many in sea of reminders why i don't like goth dudes) this past spring
we were going to see cloverfield, for god knows what reason
i decided that instead of cancelling this date oh so rudely, i would just get drunk instead
i was pretty toasted when he came to pick me up (my car was in the shop, that's pretty much why i was being nice to him) and brought a flask in the theatre
i soon stopped drinking because like an asshole i hadn't remembered that movies done on handycams make me fucking motionsick
whatever, the point is the movie was lame, i wasn't nearly high enough (i'm the gal who smokes literally seconds before walking into the theatre and he was one of those people who won't let you smoke in their car), he didn't pay, i ran off to vassar afterwards (i'm pretty sure i had him drop me off there haha) and i was just like "what was the fucking point of this?" i had to break it to him after his audition the next day that i was sooooo not into it.
i later found out that he was engaged and on a break from his fiancee. the fiancee went a little nuts over the date (there was a peck goodbye because i'm not a total asshole. yes i am.) and fixated on me and it ended up ruining their engagement. he felt the need to tell me this on the last day of class, and i asked him why. he felt he owed it to me. where do these people find me? do i post on craigslist looking for stage five clingers? you've got to be kidding me.
anyway this was the long way of saying that i don't have a date tomorrow, but i am hanging out with that kid who asked for my number. hopefully it'll be cool.
i should go back up to poughkeepsie at some point shouldn't i? nahhh i'm having too much fun in the great state of nova. i was going to go back up to see the beautiful katie today, but the constant puking kind of stopped that. then my phone died. ok this entry wasn't that great, but the point is don't drink and see cloverfield with someone lame.

(pic stolen from some old blog)

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