Saturday, August 30, 2008

why i don't miss high school as much as i think

so strangely enough i've been hanging out with a couple teenagers lately. i think i can safely say that i met one of the most obnoxious kids i've ever run into in my life last night. he was in over his head in the coolness factor and he would not SHUT UP. he would talk about nothing and say all the most absurd shit like "i'm a different person when i drink" after one beer, and asking me about the "different kinds of drunk" you get. he called asbergers "aspy" (his brother is apparently way aspy). he started listing the drugs that his siblings were on wanting to know if any of them were cool. they were not, like lithium and lamictal and zoloft. are you kidding me? he talked about weed constantly and of course smoking occurred at some point and he was like "i like some weed better than others. there are two kinds, indica and sativa, which kind is this?". i was like "are you fucking kidding me? it's called the lorax and no one asks if the shit they are buying is indica or sativa". i don't know how else to describe the kind of annoying yesman this kid was, except to say that his nickname is fetus, and he tried to make it appear better by saying he spelled it with a ph. regardless, the other kids were cool and it would have been a pretty perfect evening minus that kid. but i'm going to work that into the play production piece in some way, and he could be a good one shot character for the high school teleplay. it makes people a lot more bearable if you think of the obnoxious ones as material.

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