Wednesday, August 6, 2008


and it fucking pwned.
i wish we hadn't missed the first five minutes but we had a duty to perform
in seth rogen's words from the daily show last night, you won't wish you were "less high" when you see this friendly and fun stoner comedy that turns out to have a bodycount of certainly more than 20, though it is considerably less raunchy than most of the apatovian arsenal. by the way i'm the person in the front row who laughs hysterically at every body that gets blown away, and sometimes the people i'm with feel embarassed. and scared. who cares! rogen and franco charmed the pants off my friends and i (good thing we had the row to ourself), and each supporting performer was more absurd and hilarious than the next (where has Rosie Perez been since she helped to make me weep and my break my romance movie at an all-female viewing of "Untamed Heart"?). the fun cuts from scene to scene looked like something i would have hoped to make on my macbook and made me feel better about the fact that last night seth rogen urged one and all to drop out of school to make the screenplays we write when we're stoned a reality.

now i realize i can use the extra time at film school to learn editing, and so could my darling seth (it dragged in places but i did just sit through twelve hours of the dark knight so my tolerance is high in that respect). on the scale of City Lights at 10 fat blunts and the racially-aware piece of self-indulgent shit Crash at NO FAT BLUNTS, i give pineapple express 8.5 fatties!
now i need to decide if i'm going to sit through this episode of family guy again before my exciting evening social life commences.

(i stole the photo of rosie looking sweet and sassy from white men can't jump from imdb I LOVE PRINT SCREEN)

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