Sunday, August 10, 2008

harold, kumar, jenny and jane

i've been puking all day. lots of vodka occurred last night, plus i smoked all my trees. at least i had a good time. it's been an hour since the last vomit so i may be alright. in tobymedia news, i watched harold and kumar go to guantanamo bay today while orally expelling my innards. i liked it. i didn't really laugh outloud (the lack of weed might explain it) but it was always fun and engaging. the chemistry between john cho and kal penn (i have a big crushon kal penn by the way) is great, and there were plenty of fun cameos, like neil patrick harris on a lot of shrooms, rob corddry as a racist... actually i'm not quite sure what his job was, but roger bart (also known as carmen ghia from the producers play and movie, saw him in both, and ESPECIALLY as george the terrifying pharmacist on desperate housewives) as an nsa officer, and, of course, my favorite character actor, christopher meloni, as the head of a kkk gathering. there was also an entertaining dubya impersonator, and tons and tons of bud smoking. i got the chris meloni itch after watching it so i've been watching law and order svu for a couple hours, which i usually don't do, but it's sucked me in. did you know that the show is all about sex crimes? that's some fucked up shit. i also watched the end of best in show, which is a fucking fabulous film, maybe the funniest of the christopher guest/michael mckean/eugene levy/catherine o'hara/parker posey/jennifer coolidge ensemble comedies. bend and snap, jenny! but honestly my favorite bitch out of that crew is jane lynch, which is why the clip is of her lovely serenade in the 40 year old virgin.

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